Working Title

The world too bizarre to calibrate
Except by bots, scabbling through genomes 
Until the issue of Homo sapiens 
Is resolved, our features
A mug shot of extinction 

My AI already obsolete, before
Its programmes even sync to
My dysfunction, my repayment
Plan exposing default psychoses 
Resistant to upgrades 

In the mirror, is it you
Or is it me—the dead stare, eyes
Red-rimmed against grey flesh, a mouth
Speaking to itself in whispers
Asking what can possibly be done

Who dies first, or who dies
Last an absurd distinction, except
For property rights and hymns 
Selected at the funeral—the sly
Correlative, who dies now, then next

Deep Time yoga—dinosaurs 
In alluvial repose, the date stamp of all 
There is, or was, the twisted bone stumps
Like cars abandoned on the runway
In Kabul

Prehistoric landscapes sieved
For ancient seas, shark-tooth stones
In situ, what passed as normal 
In places of predators the size 
Of buses—perhaps something you recall

Flowers, bright buttons sprigged
With origami offcuts, evolution 
Thirty million centuries
From slime-lipped tropicals—dainty
Now for hives on sweet-tooth flights

Ginkgo leaves, the butter-yellow fans 
Ice Age souvenirs, poised like geishas 
In The Mikado—nodding acquaintances 
That steal the scene, beauty
Soon slave to autumn winds

A preference for reminiscence
And root-finding, a nostalgia 
For astonishment that will solve
The past—papyrus folded
Dry as snakeskin on a stony path

An old calendar in sequences 
Of celebration and regret—rendezvous 
With people long dead, children
Born and they now with children
Of their own, a question mark, circled 

Is the skylight dirty
Or is it the sky, rain predicted 
Against the odds of window cleaners
Lazy or alert—a standard met, or
Otherwise owlish with the Racing Post

The wind howls like a lost dog
Across brickfield demolitions, sturdy
Runt remains of high rise lives 
Now elsewhere—pawnshop futures black
As the soot they fed their kids

Clock face roulette, the minutes
Sutured round the rim, a stitch
In time, each to each—still, something
Else, other than this, and you, between 
Heartbeats the predator silence

Families trawling archive
Registers, births and deaths in towns 
Without memories, or the secret
Discovered in Port-au-Prince—lives lost
And found, the world related to itself 

Locust capitalists harvesting the moon
The stars, the dust that settled 
In a mummy’s mouth a match 
With alien DNA—bull market options
For screwball isotopes

Victorians in trenches, then
Bolshevik blood scent breeding 
Stiff salutes in beer halls—reprised later 
By rednecks at the place
Lincoln pledged Oath of Office

Tired chromatics of flags
Half-mast over graves of scared boys 
Who stood their ground 
Against other scared boys—endgame 
At twitch-trigger borders

Democracy a long shot against 
Tub-thumping fascists, too many 
Promises nailed to coffin lids 
To fact-check and live—journalists 
In alleys, face down in the dark

At the windows of the Palace 
Thin faces of citizens eating
With their eyes—the President smiling
To playbacks of his speeches, between 
Mouthfuls of blood and bullion

Cursive fighter contrails, some
Distant parameter inviting vacuum
Blast waves through stubborn 
Bunkers—freeze-frame shadows, graffiti 
Mid-sentence on the walls

A shrine in humid half shade 
With jewel-eyed lizards underfoot, the idol 
Looming——threads of incense lacing
Gold hammerwork, a bell somewhere 
Sounding, people bowing 

Prayer flags in the high cold invite
Ancestor spirits to share 
Buttery gruel—the path rising
To sky burials, a puzzle of corpses
Deciphered by vultures, whom demons fear

Upanishad repetitions of rain
Decide the key, looping bars winding 
Each along the other in ceremonial
Brocades, city lights
Splintering through the pane

On the green, a magpie 
Flamboyant as a guardsman on parade
Invites our talisman salute
For luck: Good morning, Captain, my 
Compliments to your Lady Wife

An unkindness of ravens, a murder
Of crows, a charm of finches
But nothing noted of these quantum 
Migrations quick as light

The death of John Keats 
Incidental to pigeons, below the room
On the Spanish Steps their mastery
Of sunny perpendiculars
Unchallenged by passing shades 

Risky, high voltage metres defining 
Both the arc of hammocks slung 
Between banyans, and co-ordinates 
To casualties in a Himalayan 
Chasm—adagio and impasse

Tiresome even at twenty, in 
Later years her memoir
Of dead poets reinvented Paris
In her image—her toxic letters
Edited to indemnify the muse

The spoken line remains unread
Except for Boswell shadowing
Dr. Johnson—on the street
Today, people passing, AirPods 
Speaking to everyone and no one 

Illustrations from a book
Of Persian poems—flowers framing
The lovers, a cup of wine emptied 
In the starry stream, in the distance 
A snowy mountain

A fatigue like cold oceans 
Draining through the bones, knees
Like wet cardboard, if only 
Similes proved as reliable as the pain
We set our clocks by

The illness a stealthy probation
Of the blood, cadenzas soaring 
Across the screen in ingenious dovetails 
Of data—the image in the mirror
No longer fiction

The names of coastal stations 
Memorised, the buoys a blade-strop
Against dementia—Forties, Thames 
Irish Sea and others, a compass spin 
From the weather of forgetting 

A space in the mind 
Where the world was, a phone
Ringing out, in the well a stone
Falling soundless, in the quiet room
Someone who once knew your name 

A life in little rooms spent
Looking out the window, confidante 
To rainy days bookending
Silence, even the self
A stranger here—polite, watchful

No ward beds spare, patients
Hours on trolleys in corridors, some 
With sheets pulled over now—old 
Men and women, cured
Of time

Long sickness beyond
The door, the family impatient
Through slow shifts of trays 
And medicines—later, the priest 
Addressing old ghosts, frail fealties 

In seraphim suites the fates 
Of beneficiaries revealed, kin
Imagining rosaries of cash
And gated greens—instead, the codicil
Naming the loyal nurse, the ring

Litigious ghosts waiting hours 
In courts, or what they remember 
Of the hours, the days and weeks
Or thousand years of stalled judgments
And clammy provisions to the plea

An oven at a thousand C
Simplifies the dead, their preference 
For landscape art or the beaches
At Aida Napa no matter—bone ash
The punch line to theology 

The sea at Venice rises, engineers
Mapping tide marks to those
In Canaletto paintings—the pumps 
Engaged, for tourists and sewage
Washing through basilicas 

Border security, food security, drought
In places famous for waterfalls
And local wines, the vines now 
A bitter crop—shrunken
Disclaimers of failed resolve

All the outback camels
Culled, the decision taken to
Counteract their tendency 
To graze, exposing thin soils
To Lucifer extremes

Laws proposed to cull wild
Horses forcing snap elections, camels 
One thing, but bloodstock a red line
For voters, who weighed the odds
Their truant kids were next

Temperatures rising, ice caps 
On volcanoes morphed to runny
Sherbet, magma chambers shifting
Where the glaciers steamed, lava 
Rivers fiery through dead towns 

In the Congo village, latrines
And graves, both to the same depth
Through lava cooled
To stone——the man digging remarking 
It is hard work, to trick the cholera 

Weather rotates, high-pressure cells 
Or anticyclones a grab bag of rain
And knuckle-down winds—sunscreen
A crackle-glaze imperative 
Of forecast hyphenations 

Dry river beds, crazy paving 
Patterns people paid good money for
As patio designs, now less than
Chic—no rain two years 
Defining different patterns

Flood followed flood until 
Newborns sprouted gills—nothing 
Else to report, apart from 
Pearl-diver lungs now the species 
Benchmark, arks instead of cities

Noose of air, thumbscrew millibars 
Racking cloudburst—people 
Scattered, flip-rib umbrellas clawing 
Static from the rainbow imperium
Sudden through the mist

Estil Pollock | Cartouche
Contents | Mudlark No. 80 (2024)